IM Media Productions presents the trailer for the End Times documentary. One of the leading passions of the masses is people want to know tomorrow’s news today. While you would think God would rebuke such thinking, he does not. Obviously, prophecy is important to God, and He desires for us to understand tomorrow’s news today. God knows that under uncertain and often anxious times, His people need a snapshot of what’s ahead. Visit the Documentary Home Page HERE.
The Book of Daniel is most remarkable. It is packed with prophecies that flow into modern culture. Like Daniel, it is unique and supernatural in nature. It records for us the course of the history of the nations from Daniel's day until the end, as stated in Revelation's book. Critics through the ages have groaned in despair in their attempts to discredit the book of Daniel, but there is no other book in all of the Bible that has been so completely and accurately vindicated by history. Our study will extract the prophecies that are relevant to believers today. We hope you join us!
Daniel Prophecy Series
Daniel Prophecy Series
#IM Media | #Daniel | 2022 End Times Countdown
#IM Media | #Daniel | #1 An Introduction
#IM Media | #Daniel | #2 Daniel Captured
#IM Media | #Daniel | #3 Refusing Defilement
Featured Video
End Times Brochure | Review HERE
"Nehemiah Series" | Teacher | Dr. Stephen Phinney
This series has been completed. View the video library below for recorded episodes.
In an age where Christianity is anything you make it to be, Dr. Phinney brings the reader back to the basic doctrines of the Word of God.
With his compelling research of Christ, Culture & Creator, he delivers a theologically sound analysis of each up-to-date movement that rises against the Holy Word of God.