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Writer's pictureDr. David Jeremiah

Don't Lose Heart

Dr. David Jeremiah

Then [Jesus] spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart.

Luke 18:1

Every parent has had the experience of being worn down by a toddler who keeps asking for some “can’t wait” item. The request is genuine and legitimate but comes at an inopportune time for the parent. In order to stop the asking, the parent stops what they are doing and grants the child’s request.

Jesus told a parable with a similar set of details. A widow kept approaching a callous judge in her pursuit of justice in a certain matter. He ignored her many requests until finally he relented because the widow “was driving [him] crazy” (Luke 18:5, NLT). In other words, she wore the judge down until he gave in. The parable was about not losing heart in prayer, but in no way was Jesus comparing God to a callous or hard-hearted judge. In fact, just the opposite. He basically was saying, if a callous judge will grant requests, how much more will our loving God?

When a widow was bold enough to ask Elisha for help, it was given. And Jesus says the same: Ask God boldly and persistently for what you need.

Prayer is not only asking, but an attitude of mind which produces the atmosphere in which asking is perfectly natural.

Oswald Chambers

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#IM Media | #Victory | The Believer's Victory in Christ

Hit the "Like" button. Leave a comment. IM Media/Lion of Judah Films produces quality Christ, Culture & Creator videos. Our VICTORY series reveals the radiant light of our victorious Savior, we stand firm, celebrating the glorious victory we have in Christ. Through His divine love and infinite grace, we are more than conquerors, for He has overcome the world. Our triumph is not of this world, but it is a spiritual victory that transcends earthly bounds. In Christ, we find strength, hope, and the assurance of a victory that is eternal. This victory is not just for today, but for all eternity, a testament to the power of His resurrection and the promise of our redemption. Check out the series at The Seven Series Website: Ministry website: View the IMTV Library: Read IM Author Blogs: Contact Dr. Phinney directly: Substack Channel: "The End Times Chronicles." Dr. Phinney is the Founder of IOM America, Identity Matters Worldview Institute, and the IM Online School. He is the author of several books that focus on Christ, Culture, & Creator - all centered on the believer's identity in Christ. IOM America publishes online articles & media through multiple venues. Dr. Phinney holds degrees in Psychology, Counseling Psychology & International Cross-culture Leadership (DMin). Published Books:
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