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Personal Space Out of Control

#Worldview Report: Beliefs and Behavior of Adult Thinking in Modern Culture

Stephen Phinney | IOM Contributing Author



Seduction is a post-modern term used to depict the Biblical ideation of “lust.” Lust is the portal the enemy of God uses to access the mind. Once it settles into the mind, beliefs are born that reinforce lust. After beliefs are cemented, passions, which create temptations, demand a self-inflicted worldview.


Seduction is most commonly known for its depictive of being drawn in by another through sexual pleasures. While this is true, the organic root of this expression is in our Lord’s usage of the word “temptations.” Temptations are what are placed in front of us to activate lust.

For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust. (2 Peter 1:4)


In the above passage, the Greek word used for lust is epithumia. It is a longing for what is forbidden. Also known as concupiscence - a strong sexual desire. The populated word “science” is from scientia - a Latin word associated with the Greek etymology of scene. Both mean a passion for knowledge. However, when you add consupis to its root, you will discover the passion for knowledge is accomplished through sexual desire. Therefore, I am about to prove to you that the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge is directly associated with sexual identification through individualized worldviews.

How is it that knowledge can be related to sexual pleasure?

In the Garden of Eden, the Serpent knew the clear distinction between knowledge and Life. The term used for sexual relations in Hebrew is to know. This is why the word “sex” was not used until Greek culture began to dominate the world through Alexandar the Great in 323 BC.

While the etymology of the word “sex” eroded into the act of to know, initially, it was the study of the differences between males and females. So, why would Satan consider it imperative to shift humanity from Life from the Tree of Life to knowledge of the sexes through the Tree of Knowledge?

It’s a stupid question but a good one.

Satan knew in advance the world would be willing to murder over the issue of individualized views regarding the world. How did he know? It was in his plan to create the study of knowledge, scientia, from his days in the Garden of Eden, at his university of the Tree of Knowledge. It was no accident that the first university noted in world history was the University of Pergamum, established by Alexandar the Great, which Jesus titled “where Satan’s throne is” (Rev. 2:12-17).

People tend to forget that Satan is a well-organized, crafty, strategic, and a deviant leader. While humans do well if they have a five-year plan for their lives, the Serpent, as any “great” leader, plans for future generations. Satan is a perfect example of this.

Connecting the Greek word epithumaia with that of the forbidden fruit, which dangled from the Tree of Knowledge, is paramount. First, we get the modern definition of humans from this Greek word, which was developed during the times of the Pegamum university period. Secondly, and more importantly, the Hebrew for “forbidden fruit” is God’s expression of the fruit of the prince of knowledge - the Serpent.


Since God placed the fallen angel Lucifer on a formless planet, created a beautiful earth by breathing Life into the formless planet, then established the Garden of Eden, set the two trees as the primary centerpiece, put the Serpent in the Garden, and bound him to the Tree of Knowledge, a question must be asked. Why would God do such a thing?

It borders on a stupid question.

There are two kinds of leaders - one who forces submission and loyalty, and the other provides a choice of voluntarily choosing a leader to follow. Since Lucifer’s passion while in Heaven was to force submission unto himself, God set in motion a system of gaining a Bride for His Son via choice. It is plain and simple. So, while being bound to the Tree of Knowledge, Satan “tempts” Eve to choose through knowledge. It proved to be successful, and today, all of humanity is born into the worldview of the Tree of Knowledge. It is no longer a choice. From the Garden forward, all Biblical stories reveal the worldview war between the seductive knowledge of the Holy versus the Life that comes through the Holy God through a faith choice.

Satan and God know that all are born into a demonic worldview - not by choice but by default (Rom. 5:12). Since Satan believes that he owns all of humanity due to this default, he manipulates the masses to choose to stay under this bondage. Satan mastered the art OF knowledge to manipulate such a choice. God, on the other hand, is Knowledge. As you can see in the word “knowledge,” know, and remember, this is the expression of the Old Testament act of procreation; thus, Satan needed to redefine know. Satan then converts know to lust, the forbidden fruit, which draws the masses to his Tree of Knowledge. While God created pleasure in procreation to populate the earth, Satan established pleasure without procreation - masturbation, sexual fornication, birth control, adultery, and aborting humanity (murder through choice).


Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2:9)

It is obvious to a healthy mind that God set the choice system in place by His Divine plan & hand. He grew trees that were pleasing to the eye for food while creating the Tree of Life and Knowledge as separate focal points.

Folks, it is all about the fruit. Whether it is the fruit for daily nourishment, the forbidden fruit, or the fruit from the Tree of Life, the focus is the fruit. While the first is common sense for the sustainability of created humans, the fruit from the other two is related to spiritual fruit. One is evil, and the other is Life.

After God created humanity, orders were given NOT to eat or touch the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Before Eve disobeyed, they were a product OF Life - no choices of searching required. However, after the “fall,” choices became the dominant factor of survival. Satan and God knew this; now, Adam and Eve were privy to such disastrous results. Adam, Eve, and all of humanity that followed were forced to choose a worldview of their preference. We can now see the demonic ideation of individualized worldviews.

From this time forward, all wars and rumors of wars are based on personalized worldviews that rise against God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. There is no such “thing” as God’s worldview. He does not have a worldview; He is the VIEW of eternity, past, present, and future. Plus, the only way to gain access to looking through His window of eternity is through accepting the mind of Christ via the possession of the Holy Spirit. Unless, or until, that happens, all views are from the Tree of Knowledge.

The War of Opinions/Worldviews

Over the centuries, Satan has formed a world based on individualized views of the world. He could care less about “what” that view is as long as the person refutes the eternal view through Christ. Instead of releasing Jesus’s view of God’s world, the new norm is based on global worldviews, which includes the self-absorbed views of Christ- followers.

The Word of God depicts the Tree of Knowledge as being that of “good and evil?” Here is the ultimate clincher of the ideation of personalized worldviews. Many self-proclaimed Christians can tout a view of the “good” side of the Tree of Knowledge, which can contain knowledge aspects of the Person of Truth. The problem is, if the individual has NOT the mind of Christ from within, it is a view that can ultimately keep the person from being indwelt by the Person OF Truth. Meaning, worldviews cannot save a lost & depraved soul. Changing a mind to support absolute Truth does not save that person from eternal damnation - only Jesus can do that through a born-again experience.

All knowledge outside of indwelling Truth is opinions!

I believe Satan is NOT threatened by Christians picketing their worldview of Christ. What alarms and threatens him is those who have a Holy Knowledge of God and His passageway to the Person of Truth via salvation in and through Christ Jesus. He, Satan, has been threatened since the days of the Garden of Eden regarding this human choice.


The seduction of unbiblical ideas, philosophies, and depravities can include the study of the Holiness of God and His attributes while keeping the well-studied from receiving the Tree of Life, which is Jesus Christ. I believe this is the ultimate deception hidden within the walls of knowledge. The book of Revelation and other books in the Bible reveals that the Tree of Knowledge uses morality, sexuality, and any lustful portal to keep the masses away from the Tree of Life, which is no other than Jesus Christ Himself.

Overall, while the ideology of worldview is a product of the Tree of Knowledge, it remains wise for us to use this term to lead the masses back to the view of the world through the mind of Christ by way of indwelling salvation. An authentic worldview is God’s view through the mind of His Son.

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