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Writer's pictureDr. Stephen Phinney

Trump. The Flashfire.

I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present - that’s where the fun is. -President Trump


As many of my readers know, I served on President Donald Trump’s leadership team throughout his presidency. While I consider it one of my highest honors, humanly speaking, even back then, I could see the Biblical reality that his sins were likely to come back to haunt him. Today, he faces one of those alleged sins.

I have a letter from President Trump hanging on the wall in my office. In this personalized letter, he notes his thanksgiving for my immovable steadfast devotion to Truth. While other leaders were focused on advising him politically, I maintained the focus on the importance of salvation and helping him connect global events to the Lord’s prophecies.

Many have asked me if President Trump is authentically born-again. As for the first few years, I would have to say “no.” However, today, the answer would be much different. I am unique in answering that question with any self-proclaimed believer. I am firm in believing that The one who endures to the end, he shall be saved. Meaning, I don’t put much stock in praying the “sinners prayer” without it being tested by God. I know few who have been tested to the level President Trump has had to endure.

While our 45th President faces one of history’s most deplorable political attacks, as per my norm, I am watching for the sovereign hand of God. Mr. Trump is a man, not a god. He faces the same ramifications of his sins as all the rest of us. The only difference is - his sins are a public matter. Imagine if our sins were posted for the world to see. Most would implode into self-pity and shame. Many would end their lives because of that shame. Mr. Trump functions much like I do; all negative attention is free publicity to advance the cause. Needless to say, Satan uses past sins to politicize his agenda. These madness methods are what I call spiritual flashfires.

When anyone uses another’s sins to advance a personal agenda, they join the ranks of God’s worst enemy. While Jesus focuses on forgiving sins, Satan focuses on using those sins to distract the masses from seeing his clever global manipulative plans. Here is an example.

Today, while President Trump is being held on account for an alleged past sin, the top global news is:

  1. Vladlen Tatarsky, a Russian journalist, was assassinated.

  2. President Zelenskyy ceases and closes orthodox churches.

  3. US Banks experience the highest bank runs in history.

  4. AI platform threatens “death” to resisters.

  5. Israel imploding from within & without. Israel attacks Syria for the 4th time in a week.

  6. Biden Administration further advances Iran’s nuclear program by sanctions relief.

  7. US House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, to meet with Taiwanese leader to discuss missile launch against China in the Taiwan Strait.

  8. US Army Secretary John Whitley, war with China will be very fast.

  9. China’s yuan has replaced the US dollar.

  10. EU’s proposed new rule confirmed the scanning of private messages globally.

Here is my point. Anyone who studies the art of war knows this. If you wish to advance a war, locally or globally, it is imperative to start “flashfires” throughout. The Trump scandal is nothing short of politicians starting a flashfire while making some of the most destructive decisions globally. Overall, humanity tends to be stupid. Put an item in the news headlines, and the inevitable will happen - they will obsess over superficial topics. Meantime, the Antichrist is busy setting up for his global reign.

As to our latest flashfire, Mr. Trump is well aware of the real purpose of the psychodrama surrounding his indictment. While he may be “guilty” or innocent, he knows what is happening behind this distraction. His passion is to save America from itself and the implosion of freedom worldwide.

I fear for those who obsess over humbling our nation's leaders, the good ones or not so good. When I am tempted to judge our leaders, Jesus reminds me of this passage:

Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. (Romans 13:2)

Furthermore, what you see is not always what is taking place. People who wrap themselves up in the whirlwind of flashfires are the same people who the enemy laughs at - fully knowing they are stupid sheep.

We are called to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord, forgive others as we have been forgiven, and advance the coming of our Savior and King. Think about this. If “crap” doesn’t happen, why would Jesus need to come and save His Bride from a depraved and demonically run world?

Prophecy is not mysterious. Prophecies are a gift from our Heavenly Father to remind us of the great and Almighty promise keeper.

In my particular calling; I was asked to assist in reading the altar of the consuming fire. Today, maybe you could join me in my “life passage.”

The sinners in Zion are afraid; trembling has seized the godless: “Who among us can dwell with the consuming fire? Who among us can dwell with everlasting burnings?” He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises the gain of oppressions, who shakes his hands, lest they hold a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from looking on evil, he will dwell on the heights; his place of defense will be the fortresses of rocks; his bread will be given him; his water will be sure. (Isaiah 33:14-16)

Until next time. Stephen

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